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Linker: Afrika

Nordisk nyhetsklipp
Ethnologie in den Nachrichten
Social & Cultural Anthropology in the News
AntroMag: kronikker, intervjuer, anmeldelser
Corporate Anthropology - Antropologer utenfor akademia
Forum: diskuter og spør!
Gumsagumlao.dk: dansk antropologi-portal (oppstart: september 2004)
Anthrobase.com - Vitenskapelig artikkelsamling

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African Voices

En multimedia-nettutstilling av berømte Smithsonian Institution

"African Voices is a permanent exhibition that examines the diversity, dynamism, and global influence of Africa’s peoples and cultures over time in the realms of family, work, community, and the natural environment. Video interactives and sound stations provide selections from contemporary interviews, literature, proverbs, prayers, folk tales, songs, and oral epics."

Peoples and Cultures of Africa

Written by students at Franklin and Marshall College Anthropology/Africana Studies class: "A glimpse into many of the wonderful asthetics, beliefs, and histories of West African cultures.

Virtual Africa

African Ethnography on the Web - by Shinya Konaka, University of Shizuoka, on field research among the Samburu, Kenyan pastoral people.

African Religion - Studies in anthropology and intercultural philosophy

Website with articles and pictures by anthropologist Wim van Binsbergen, Professor of the Foundations of Intercultural Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Senior Researcher at the African Studies Centre, Leiden, the Netherlands.

Indigenous Studies - African Anthropology

Many useful links about people and culture in Africa - and most of them still work!

Global.no Afrika

Mer enn 200 linker om alle afrikanske land


Fellesrådet for Afrika med oppdaterte nyheter fra Afrika, inkl linksamling ("the Index")

Nordic Africa Institute

Including "A Guide to Africa on the Internet Link collection", "Africanists in the Nordic Countries Research database", conferences...

Africars - Autos und Gesellschaft in Afrika

Nett-utstilling av Gabriel Klaeger, Universitet München om biler og samfunn i Afrika. Resultat av et feltarbeid. Flotte bilder! (tekster på tysk)

Leben in Westafrika

Utstilling om natur og samfunn i savannen i Vestafrika. Laget av Sonderforschungsbereich 268 "Kulturentwicklung und Sprachgeschichte im Naturraum Westafrikanische Savanne", Uni Frankfurt.

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