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03.08.05: The blog has moved to www.antropologi.info/blog/anthropology/, and several broken links have been corrected

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Monday, February 21, 2005, 21:53

Ethnographic lecture confronts female gang myths

The Lantern, Ohio State University

In a presentation titled "The Politics of Representation," ethnographer Marie "Keta" Miranda addressed the general misrepresentation of gang members, but focused largely on women. She discussed the knowledge she gained through her ethnographic collaboration with Chicana youths in Oakland, Calif., published in the 2003 book "Homegirls in the Public Sphere".

It is important to recognize that women in gangs do have agency and they do make significant decisions. She said the gangs she studied in northern California were unique because they consisted entirely of young women. Miranda stressed the need for people in power to change their approach in order to provide more understanding of subculture groups. >> continue (oops, seems like the article has disappeared already!?! >> read a copy of the article)

Homegirls in the Public Sphere - Reviewed by Ramona Lee Pérez, New York University (Association of Feminist Anthropology)


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