While Cairo’s slum areas are growing, the richest layer of the society is enjoying a luxury life in privately guarded communities in safe distance from the lower classes. Hosni Mubarak’s neoliberal dream of segregation seems to have come true… more »
While politicians and social scientists have directed all their attention towards "islamist" terror groups, right-wing extremist milieus were able to grow unnoticed.Memorial Art. Photo: Agnar Kaarbø, flickr (draft) Oslo like a war zone,… more »
What comes into your mind, reading the following lines?"We tend to gather in certain locales (cities, sometimes specific neighbourhoods); we frequent particular businesses - some of the services being unique to our community; we have dedicated media,… more »
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." These noble words in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights might be true in some distant part on this planet, but certainly not in Europe. more »
“I have been invited to at least four Christmas parties this year, and three of them are being held by Muslims. This is the first time I've felt such a huge emphasis on Christmas,” 33-year-old investment banker Osama Abdelshafy says.Hotels in Egypts… more »
Book launch in the House of Literature (Litteraturhuset) in Oslo with Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Keith Hart and Desmond McNeill. Photo: Lorenz KhazalehAnthropologists, sociologists, philosophers, economics and activists have come together and written a… more »
Can studying religious movements give us new insights into globalisation or even cosmopolitanism? Anthropologist Tulasi Srinivas thinks so. Antropologi.info book reviewer Tereza Kuldova has taken a closer look at Srinivas' new book Winged Faith: Ret… more »
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