Anthropologist and blogger Johannes Wilm has published a fascinating video about the annual meeting of the Danish minority in a small village in Northern Germany called Ascheffel. Is it possible to be both German and Danish? Why are there so many Germans… more »
Category: "globalisation"
As in several European countries, Japanese citizenship is still defined by decent. Inspired by the recent immigration debates in the US, anthropologist Sawa Kurotani reflects about the "cultural nationalism" of Japanese citizenship and concludes: "As lon… more »
In my previous post, I've quoted anthropologist Owen Sichone about the concept of "Global apartheid": Whatever the advantages of apartness are (more economic than cultural), the South African system came to an end just as the rest of the world was r… more »
by lorenz on Apr 25, 2006 in Us and Them, globalisation, migration, anthropology (general), journal articles / papers, cosmopolitanism
Anthropologists are citizens of the world because they are able to manoeuvre in and out of different cultures. African migrants display similar competencies when they are away from home. But you can even be cosmopolitan without ever having left your hom… more »
by lorenz on Apr 21, 2006 in politics, Us and Them, globalisation, journal articles / papers, cosmopolitanism • 2 comments »
Recently, the terms "Western civilisation" or "Western values" have been used in opposition to regimes mainly in the Middle East. But how fruitful is this notion of "the West"? In his keynote speech at the conference Cosmopolitanism and Anthropology, Dav… more »
by lorenz on Apr 2, 2006 in indigenous people / minorities, technology, culture traditions, Us and Them, globalisation, language, books • 3 comments »
It is insufficient to understand deaf people as disabled. Most deaf people rather see themselves as members of a cultural and linguistic minority. They are proud of their culture. And they face identity obstacles similar to those faced by many other mino… more »
by lorenz on Mar 26, 2006 in Asia, development empowerment, globalisation, gender, anthropology (general)
The small groups of rural women in India fighting for change is something the rest of the world needs to take note of, says Mangala Subramaniam, an assistant professor of sociology and women's studies. Since the late 1990s, Subramaniam has studied social… more »
by lorenz on Mar 7, 2006 in Us and Them, globalisation, persons and theories, journal articles / papers, cosmopolitanism
Some days ago I registered for the conference Cosmopolitanism and Anthropology at Keele University (UK). As a preparation, here some notes on anthropology and cosmopolitanism.
After the controversis around the Mohammed-cartoons, media loved talking ab… more »
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