I'm off to a one week holiday in Paris. As I'll attend two conference right afterwards, there won't be any updates here for around 10 days.
Happy Easter! Enjoy spring (or autumn, I should add as well)! more »
Category: "internal notes"
Sometimes, readers send call for papers or job announcements to me. Therefore, I've now "relaunched" the forum. After registering, you may post there your announcements if you want.
>> visit the antropologi.info-forum
Now, there are two new posts:… more »
by lorenz on Jun 6, 2006 in indigenous people / minorities, corporate & business anthropology, fieldwork / methods, ethics, internal notes
(post in progress) Threatening deadlines prevented me from updating this blog as often as I should/ would like to and I haven't checked the news for a while. Here are at least some of recent blog posts:
Alex Golub: Article on the Ipili in the Ottowa C… more »
Here's a try to sum up the anthropology year 2005 based on entries in this blog (in English). A look back might be useful especially if you are as disorganized as I am and tend to forget everything. This is a post in progress!
Among the most discus… more »
Anthropology blog search is now integrated into the anthropology search site at www.antropologi.info/search, a few search options are added and corrected, the layout modified. >> take a look more »
I'm off to Southern Germany (family) for a week or so. Looks like there'll be White Christmas in Oslo at least as you can see!
With season's greetings
Lorenz more »
by lorenz on Oct 23, 2005 in anthropology (general), internet, websites, internal notes • 5 comments »
In August, I've set up www.antropologi.info/blog - a kind of anthropology newspaper, an overview over anthropology blogs (and related blogs) (written in English) with their most recent posts on one page.
Now I've set up an alternative version that sh… more »
Instead of a blogroll, I've created a kind of anthropology newspaper, using anthropology blogs I read. Currently, you can see the headlines of more than 30 anthropology blogs on one single page. Most blogs are updated four times a day, some few more freq… more »
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