I've finally upgraded my blog, and moved my entries to my new blog here, powered by b2evolution. Now, more than one year's anthropology news are sorted into categories like books, corporate anthropology, language and much more.
Recent comments show up… more »
Category: "internal notes"
With best regards, Lorenz more »
Just a short note on what people search: "Zoo Augsburg african village" are the most searched words at the moment. It's quite striking how often this site is visited by people (from countries all over the world!) searching for news about the planned exhi… more »
... and no time to post! Too many anthropology blogs! No more time to check Google news for anthropology news and comment other bloggers' posts'.... thanks for all the recent comments, though! (written after having read the recent posts on Savage Minds a… more »
I've installed a new forum in English - in addition to the one in Norwegian (the same forum script) that has been (more or less) active for eight-nine months now. Use the forum to discuss or ask questions to other visitors. There's a built in email-notif… more »
It's now easier to find older entries and pages. We're no longer dependent on the atomz free site search. As the maximum number of pages has been exceeded, not all pages were indexed. Now I've installed the isearch-search engine. The search is accessible… more »
On a new search page on antropologi.info you can search for information on several anthropology-related websites - among others:
- anthrobase.com (Collection of anthropological texts)
- American Anthropological Association
- SOSIG Social Science Inf… more »
antropologi.info takes a break and will be back in the beginning of January 2005. God jul og godt nytt år! (as one says in Norwegian...) more »
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