Multi-Sited Ethnography: Theory, Praxis and Locality in Contemporary Research (ed.) Mark-Anthony Falzon. 2009. Ashgate. ISBN 978-0-7546-7318-7.Tereza Kuldova (Tessa Valo), PhD fellow, Museum of Cultural History, Oslo This edited volume cons… more »
Categories: "anthropology (general)"
by lorenz on Nov 17, 2009 in Open Access Anthropology and Knowledge Sharing, anthropology (general), internet, websites
What is public anthropology? Already in 1999, when he had started his Ph.D project, Martijn de Koning has made his first anthropology website. In a very interesting blog post with many links, he is looking back at 10 years public anthropology online:… more »
by lorenz on Nov 5, 2009 in Open Access Anthropology and Knowledge Sharing, anthropology (general), University / Academia, internet, ethics • 2 comments »
What's the point of science if it's not publicly accessible? Two weeks ago, the first global Open Access Week was organized. Masters' student in anthropology Karstein Noremark has written a report for about the Open Access Week at Victor… more »
A month before his 101.birthday, Claude Levi-Strauss, one of the most influential anthropologists, died at the age of 100. He died over the weekend, according to the office of the president of the School for the Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, in Pa… more »
by lorenz on Nov 3, 2009 in Open Access Anthropology and Knowledge Sharing, anthropology (general), journal articles / papers
From now on until the end of December, the American Anthropological Association (AAA) is offering free access to a large section of its journals.Why not free all the time? asks Kerim Friedman. Good question. The AAA has been often criticized for its… more »
by lorenz on Nov 1, 2009 in Open Access Anthropology and Knowledge Sharing, anthropology (general), journal articles / papers, websites
(via media/anthropology and Open Access Anthropology blog) Where can I publish my papers online? A few weeks ago, I wrote about ResearchGATE and other initiatives. Now, SSOAR - the Social Science Open Access Repository is online. It is according to Ke… more »
by lorenz on Oct 22, 2009 in Open Access Anthropology and Knowledge Sharing, anthropology (general), music, Visual Anthropology, internet • 5 comments »
Dai Cooper's Anthropology Song has fascinated people all over the world. Around 10 000 people have seen the video on YouTube so far, it was sent around via facebook, twitter, mailing lists, and was already shown in many anthropology classes. Maybe nobody… more »
by lorenz on Oct 19, 2009 in Open Access Anthropology and Knowledge Sharing, anthropology (general), Visual Anthropology, internet • 2 comments »
(via facebook and Savage Minds) What is Anthropology? What is it about? Forget about all definitions, here is the Anthropology Song by Dai Cooper:[video:youtube:LHv6rw6wxJY] more »
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