Make Peace. Photo: Danny Hammontree, flickr "What if they gave a war and nobody came?" is a popular slogan from the antiwar-movement. But nowadays, USA with their allies are at war in Iraq and Afghanistan and still lots of people enlist in the military,… more »
Category: "journal articles / papers"
by lorenz on Aug 14, 2010 in Us and Them, Europe, globalisation, books, migration, journal articles / papers
Globalisation means for most people on this planet higher fences and less movement across borders. The new book by anthropologist Shahram Khosravi is an auto-ethnography of illegalised border crossing. 'Illegal' Traveller is based on the anthr… more »
by lorenz on Jul 12, 2010 in religion cosmology, Us and Them, Asia, journal articles / papers, cosmopolitanism
The Rumi Darwaza ("the Turkish Gate") in Lucknow. Foto: Himalayan Trails / Rajesh, flickr Why are some areas of this world more peaceful than others? In her master’s thesis Networks That Make A Difference, anthropologist Tereza Kuldova explai… more »
by lorenz on Jul 11, 2010 in ecology nature, anthropology (general), journal articles / papers, interdisciplinary • 2 comments »
In the recent issue of Imponderabilia Heid Jerstad critizes the lack of anthropological research on climate change. Climate change is only present on the margins of anthropological research, Jerstad claims. A similar critique was formulated by Simon Batt… more »
by lorenz on Jun 30, 2010 in Us and Them, globalisation, Pacific Oceania, aboriginees, migration, anthropology (general), journal articles / papers, history, cosmopolitanism
It happened already around 200 years ago: Aboriginal Australians marry Indians. Afghan cameleers open up the interior of Australia for transport and development. Indian seamen fight for Indonesian independence. And long before Australia was colonised by… more »
by lorenz on Jun 3, 2010 in Us and Them, Europe, music, journal articles / papers, cosmopolitanism • 1 comment »
”The Eurovision Song Contest is torture to my ears”, was one of my recent Facebook status messages. But as I learnt, the mega event is not primarily about music, it’s a ritual, a transnational social event that connects people and that - according to a r… more »
by lorenz on Jun 2, 2010 in Open Access Anthropology and Knowledge Sharing, anthropology (general), journal articles / papers • 1 comment »
Is this one of the first real web2.0-journals in anthropology? Today, a new Open Access journal was launched: Anthropology Reviews: Dissent and Cultural Politics (ARDAC) is no traditional journal. It was developed from within a social network site (N… more »
"Beyond postsocialism? Creativity, moral resistance and change in the corners of Eurasia" is the title of the new issue of Durban Anthropology Journal. The authors want to give us alternative views on so called postsocialist societies. Postsocial… more »
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